Nitrokit Nitrokit - Ship faster with AI - No more heavy lifting, build Angular apps at NITROSPEED!

Getting Started

Create an app from scratch

Want to use Nitrokit to build your next idea right away?! We'll get you set up in minutes.


You have probably already installed influencer, and that is great to give you some know-how of how supabase works etc. But now, it is time to create an application from scratch. We will create an app called workshops.

This tutorial will show you how to set up a brand new supabase app that already contains

  • Authentication
  • Saving of user data, email
  • Storing avatar
  • Enable RLS

It will also guide you through creating your own Angular application in this workspace by using custom generators.

At the end you will have:

  • A working Angular app with authentication called workshop
  • Your app connected to supabase and ready to start developing
  • Default crud logic for flows (which represents flows for our workshop application)
  • Light/darkmode working
  • Only lost a few minutes 🚀

This tutorial used to be a step-by-step tasklist but we have recently developed an AI tool that can help you.

Creating a brand new app

We are going to create a brand new supabase app called workshops: Go to, Click on New project, choose your organisation and type in workshops as the project name. Choose a safe database password (store it, you'll need it later) and click on Create new Project.

Url configuration

By default, we use magic links to authenticate, you can choose your own later. Go to Authentication > CONFIGURATION > Url Configuration

For site URL you choose http://localhost:4200 and for Redirect URLs you should click the Add url button and add http://localhost:4200 again. Now click on Save URLs.

It is recommended to use your own SMTP provider settings, even for development. Go to Authentication > Rate Limits.

  • Click on View SMTP settings, scroll down till you see SMTP Settings.
  • Click on Enable Custom SMTP and add your correct SMTP settings.

Now go to Authentication > Rate Limits. Set Rate limit for sending emails to 200 or something and save

Get the DB info

Now go to Project settings > CONFIGURATION > Database. You'll need to capture the following configuration:

  • Host
  • Database name
  • Port
  • User
  • Password

Now go to home, scroll down and get the project url and api key, you'l need those too.


First login with supabase, If something fails always check if you are logged in. This is important to automate everything.

npx supabase login

Create the app (incl supabase setup)

new-app-in-ai-agent.png Now open the code-assistant with the following commands (parallel):

npx nx run nitrokit:serve
npx nx run nitrokit-electron:serve

Now press **command + n ** or control + n, fill in the form and click the create button.

This will set up a brand-new application for you and will set up the default database settings in supabase.

Generating a crud feature with AI

In the code-assistant, go to your app (in the workspace structure > workshops > application > workshops) and click the Create new entity CRUD feature button.


Add a name, whether you want the entity to be paged (otherwise it will fetch all data every time) and add some database fields and whether they are required or not.

Click the Cook new feature button and let AI do the work for you. On the left side you can see the LLM info and what the model is doing for you. You can also inspect the usage and the chat information by clicking on the circles.

When the model is finished, click on apply changes and run

npx nx run workshops:serve

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